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Season 2[]


The procedures are unclear. What is known is that the result would have one person's soul emptied out, in this case Caroline Lesta, to be used as a 'Suit' to others in a distance as great as another dimension. It was used by LMG's middlemen to access The City without directly endangering themselves.




Season 3 rituals[]

Season 3 gets a lot more into how rituals work. In order of appearance, not when used. Must be completey stated:


Recording by Michael Waters on tape heard Ep. 1, Scene 1.

Cut down a large tree on land that you own. Carve the words: delirium, vestigial, uncertain, and colony into the stump of the tree. On your son’s first birthday, place him upon the stump and anoint his forehead with rabbit’s blood. While the blood is still wet, you must describe his conception in detail. After that’s done, join your son on the stump and anoint your own forehead with the blood of a bull. Drop your son on the ground. You may cushion his fall, if you wish. If the ritual has been performed correctly, you will remain relatively healthy for the next five years. If you are fated to die within the year, you will die immediately upon completing the ritual.


Performed by the Waters siblings in a warehouse instructed by Melody that brings them to her house.

You will need a room, a two-way radio, a jar of honey, two blindfolds, two chairs, and a metallic bowl. You’re going to smear a bit of the honey on yourselves, the tape that Christine coughed out, and a recorder, then you’re going to put on the blindfolds, sit down in the center of the room, and then press the switch in the center of the metallic bowl. The dronebox will play a frequency that will temporarily transport to Melody's house.


Used by Melody as a precaution when the Waters siblings arrive at her house.

"The King is sitting on his throne of white feathers and the King is blind and deaf and mute. The empire lives in an eclipse that never ends. The mutant wolves howl without sound, their throats have been cut." She then cuts some part of herself and three drops of her blood onto something.


AKA THE SECRETS RITUAL. Recording by Michael Waters on tape heard Ep. 1, Tape Break. Used in S3E07 by Nick and Static Man to reveal Payphones' location.

This ritual involves two people. Both must know each other, and be fully be aware of both what the ritual entails, and its consequences. Make a salt circle at least twenty feet in diameter. Make seven smaller salt circles from north to south within the larger circle. In the center salt circle, place the head of a bull so that its mouth is facing west. When you are ready to begin, stand in the circle farthest from each other. Each reveal, in order: a damaging secret someone has entrusted to you, a secret that will make the other think less of you, and a secret that has the potential to cause the other genuine emotional harm. As you reveal each of these secrets, move from the outer circle to the inner circle. If a participant wishes, they may intentionally break one of the smaller salt circles. If they do so, they will be granted a minor boon and the other participant will immediately die. If the ritual is successful, and the secrets were significant enough, the first person to reveal will be informed of the location of their greatest enemy.


Described by Melody in Ep. 1, Scene 3.

Go to a blue, walk-in payphone in New York. No calls can have been made on it for one hour. You must enter alone. Press star, then press 8 exactly 11 times. Then, lick the phone. It is advised you use Lysol and Listerine to wash off the bacteria after licking. The price is paid differently per person.


AKA A RITUAL FOR CONSTRUCTING A WARD OF PROTECTION. Instructed by Payphone to Nicholas. Performed by Nicholas and Chris, Ep. 2, Scene 1.

Collect one pint of virgin’s blood. For the purposes of this ritual, virgin is defined as a human above the age of eighteen who has not engaged in penetrative intercourse. Procure a paintbrush whose bristles are made out of human hair. The hair must be from a woman who has given birth to two or more children. These children must still be alive. On the inside of every door in the building or structure in which you live, use the virgin’s blood and hair-brush to paint a circle within a triangle within a square within a pentagon. Draw a pentagram, with the pentagon at its center. Each shape must be connected to the shape containing it. The entire pint of virgin’s blood must be used.


Micheal Waters's only "protection" ritual. Ritual described by Nicholas, Ep. 2, Scene 1.

Using a bowl made completely of obsidian, collect the first snowfall of the year. Put the snow from the bowl into your mouth, and while the snow is melting, repeat the phrase ‘my heart is as cold as my hands are as cold as my heart.’ Once the snow is fully melted, swallow the water. Stand naked in the first snowfall for a period of no less than twelve hours. Do not eat or drink anything during this period. After the period is up go home and sleep on a pillow of swanfeathers. If the ritual has been completed correctly, everyone except you who enters your home will immediately die of hypothermia.


Performed by Nicholas and Chris Ep. 5, Scene 1.

Throw your phones into a river. Nicholas and Christine throw their phones into the East River. Pay for a motel room in cash. Do not use your real names. No mirrors can be in the room. Your shoelaces must be untied, and no animals can be following you. During this step, Nicholas shaved his mustache and Chris dyed her hair red. It is unclear exactly what requirement they met by doing this.


A ritual for gaining information on next steps of another ritual. Recording from Micheal Waters heard Ep. 4, Scene 2. Performed by Nicholas and Chris on Ep. 4, Scene 4.

Requirements: Must have two participants. Find a room with wooden floors, and remove all carpets and furniture from it. Collect salt from the nearest ocean. Gather a pomegranate, a wineglass, and a knife both of you have used to cut meat.

Go to the room with the wooden floors and make a salt circle 11 cubits in diameter. Use the Ancient Hebrew measurement. Do not complete the salt circle until you and your equipment are within the salt circle. Do not leave the salt circle for any reason until this ritual is complete. Once the salt circle is completed, bite your tongues and spit blood into the wine glass. Cut open the pomegranate and put the seeds into the bloody wine glass. Scatter the seeds within the salt circle. Embrace each other and whisper a deep truth into each other's ears. Two creatures will appear. Using the knife, each participant must kill one creature, cut open its chest, and eat their heart. It is vitally important that you do not vomit up the heart. If this ritual is successful, the next time one of the participants listens to the radio, a voice will tell them some of the steps needed to complete the ritual they were working on before they started the salt circle ritual.

Whatever the consequences of this ritual, do not seek professional medical attention for at least a week. The amount of information gained will depend on the larger ritual's complexity. When performed in the show, Nicholas vomits, and his leg is severely injured in a way that "doesn't make sense," forcing him to use a cane.


A ritual to make a bag have more room on the inside than it actually looks on the outside. A small pocket dimension of sorts. Recording by Michael Waters on Tape Ep. 4, Scene 9.

Hunt and kill a deer with a bow and arrow. Skin its hide and leave the flesh to rot in the forest. Using the deer's hide and a blue string, construct a small bag. The bag must be large enough to completely engulf your fist. Fill the bag completely with marbles that you have stolen from children. The children must be under eleven years of age and must know that you have stolen from them. Place the bag filled with marbles into a backpack, along with three drops of your own blood, three drops of your mother's blood, and three drops of your lover's blood. If the ritual has been performed correctly, the backpack will now have significantly more room than is physically possible.


AKA A RITUAL FOR SUMMONING STATIC MAN. Instructed by Payphone to Chris, Ep. 5, Scene 2. Performed by Chris and Nicholas S3EP06.

You must be recording, either in audio or video. While recording, crush the lead from a mechanical pencil, and mix the crushed lead with three drops of your own blood. Put this mixture onto a piece of paper and crush the piece of paper. Construct an origami swan out of the paper. Burn this piece of paper in a trash can. It is advised that you have some Popeye's fried chicken on hand. If this ritual has been successful, Static Man will appear.

██████ RITUAL[]

Orchestrated by Michael Waters. Also named simply as "the ritual" by the Waters siblings. AKA THE POSSESSION RITUAL. The name cannot be recorded. It can offer limited immortality in the form of possession. this is the longest ritual, stretching over the entire season. Purification is performed similarly to baptism in which marks these new characters we are introduced to as a re-birth from their old life. Began by Nicholas and Christine on Ep. 1, Scene 2

Requirements: Wear clothes without synthetic fabrics, washed in a river with lye soap. Refrain from eating the flesh of animals for seven days and seven nights. Have copies of exactly what you need to say. Collect water from an ocean under the full moon. Have the record* and a record player. All “important moments" must be recorded on tape.

  • Origins and requirements of this record are unclear

Piece 1: Person A reads: "Purification. Purification. We beseech the nothingness and the beyond. Purification. We are drowned and born anew. Purification. A tile in a mosaic of light and chaos and meaning. Purification. We beseech the nothingness and the beyond to make us worthy. Purification. We come with greed in our hearts. A half of a part of a whole. Purification. Purification. Purification." Person A submerges Person B's head in the water at the same as the record starts playing, and keeps them there until the song is over.The past two steps are repeated, with Person A and B swapping roles. When Chris drowns, a door between worlds is cracked open, and the tape becomes a "beacon for all the flotsam and jetsam of the strange audio universe." Things become more difficult due to this.

Piece 2: Revealed in Ep. 2, Scene 4 by the tape loop. Go on Amazon. Order a Casio Watch mq24-7B, a Blu-Ray DVD of Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, and 85118-SH Mean Streak Permanent Marking Stick – White. Use two-day delivery.

Piece 3: Revealed in Ep. 3, Scene 2. When you receive the package, deliver the contents inside to the addresses they are labelled to. As payment, you may take the substance in the gold foil package. It is found within the package and it is necessary to the completion of the ritual. Attempting to open the gold foil package without delivering the contents will result in consequences.

Piece 4: Revealed in Ep. 8, Scene 2. Lay a tarp upon the ground. Stick the sheet of music into the dream ambergris, and place the dream ambergris upon the tarp, and then sprinkle the gold and darkness dust upon the dream ambergris. Burn all of this while chanting your name and then the phrase "will be redeemed in this world and the next." Both participants must chant. While you're doing this, a song will begin to play.

Piece 5: Revealed in Ep. 10, by Michael Waters.The person trying to possess you will now have to eat your heart. They will possess your body.

Nicholas believed that the ritual granted knowledge and power. In Ep. 3, Scene 1, Nicholas theorizes that the vomiting up and listening of the tapes is part of the ritual, perhaps "purifying" them. His father says he designed this ritual for Nicholas, so that he could possess him. Michael Waters spread rumors of the power of the ritual and made the name impossible to record to ensure that Nicholas would perform it. However, he did not anticipate Nicholas or Dan interfering and caused the ritual to fail as well as his defeat.


Ep. 4, Scene 2.

  • Do not eat for two days, do not drink for 12 hours, and do not have sex for a period of three months.
  • One of the ingredients being 30 grams of your fingernail clippings.

Ep. 5, Scene 1.

  • Requires one of them participants to have had children.

Ep. 9, Scene 3.

  • Seeing through an enemy's lies.
  • Turning iron into mercury.
  • Ensuring a quick and painless birth.
  • A "fair amount" of rituals of Micheal Waters's regarding sex.

Left of the Dial[]

The Roadtrip Ritual
